Is something/someone affecting you ?
Not in a very distant past, I used to be an angry young woman with issues. I was annoyed and pissed with almost everything. The roads, the government, people talking about me, people talking about my friends, family and so and so. I was so so vocal about everything that I would react instantly. Now when I look back, I infer how foolish I was! Probably as you age you tend to ignore certain things.
We tend to let things affect us and that's what beats us down every-time. If you'd have read and understood the 3 Es (expressions, emotions and experiences) you'd understand most people don't have any control over their emotions. Am not talking about reflexes, am talking about emotions. A boxer fighting back a guy trying to knock him down has good reflexes. An average guy trying to fight him in an outburst is just not able to handle his emotions properly.
How often has it happened that you picked a Facebook fight with a stranger and then kept on waiting to comment back and take a dig at him/her ? I have, several times, and its sheer stupidity. I also realised a very important thing which changed my mindset completely. No-one has ever won an internet fight. no one ever cares about an internet fight either. It's all temporary gossip. I keep doing random experiments to check how much a particular thing is affecting me and trust me when I say this, I have come a long way.
Today I heard someone talking shit about me again. It didn't make me angry at all. I was able to ignore it and move on. And you know what happens when you learn to ignore these things ? You get productive immediately.
Forget about me, there are billions of people on earth and only a handful of successful people around the world. Is everyone gonna say good things about people who're doing better than them ?
It is said that everyone loves success but they hate successful people.
As easy as it sounds, the world is not really full of doers and therefore there's always more doubters than doers who will always try to bring you down as per their own standards.
Hell, Even the relatives secretly wish you'd fail, forget about others. You simply cannot please everyone. There will always be people who'll hate you for what you've become, some would be vocal about it, some would be extra sweet towards you. You must learn to understand and not let either of these two categories of people affect you and that's when you can be more productive. The more resistant you become the more mentally tough you get.
If there's anything that makes you successful in life, its mental toughness ! That's when you start believing in yourself and you do what's needed not what others want. You control your emotions and not let the emotions control you.
How do you do this ? By letting people say things to you, by letting them be mean to you and not react, absorb the emotions and put your best face forward. Stun them with your success and you've defeated them without even having to fight them :)
Life is not a cockfight, and not every fight needs to be fought, the sooner you understand, the better :)
I am what I am!!!
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